BIG BO – INTERVIEW PAASPOP ’18 – Schijndel (NL). Interview door Omroep Meierij TV tijdens Paaspop 2018. Een interview met Big Bo door Johan Mulders en Jan van de Loo (camera). Paaspop 2018 Bo Brocken (Big Bo) from Omroep Meierij on Vimeo.

BIG BO – INTERVIEW PAASPOP ’18 – Schijndel (NL). Interview door Omroep Meierij TV tijdens Paaspop 2018. Een interview met Big Bo door Johan Mulders en Jan van de Loo (camera). Paaspop 2018 Bo Brocken (Big Bo) from Omroep Meierij on Vimeo.
The annual 2017 International Blues Challenge The annual 2017 International Blues Challenge #33 has started today. Last year I was one of the competitors (2016). It was one of the most important highlights in my entire career as a musician. I was so happy to have made it to the semi finals. The experience was one to never forget. Too bad I can’t be there this year to attend the festival but I know one thing for sure: The Blues Foundation, Memphis, USA has done another great job organizing this massive event. This year I am proud to see two of my favorite bands and musicians from my country participate; The Detonics (band) and Robert Fossen & Dave Warmerdam (duo) from the Netherlands. I want to wish them[…]
BIG BO – Trouble Soon Be Over – Theatertour 2017 Volg deze blog voor verhalen, anekdotes en tour avonturen. Maar ook voor de verhalen die de kleedkamer eigenlijk niet mochten verlaten. Kortom; een kijkje achter de schermen bij Trouble Soon Be Over met Marc Stakenburg, Bo Brocken en Frédérique Spigt. BIG BO – Trouble Soon Be Over – Theatertour 2017 31 okt 2016: Voorbereidingen Trouble Soon Be Over Inmiddels zijn de repetities gestart. Daarnaast zijn we de laatste maanden ontzettend druk geweest met de boekingen en promotie voor dit reizende blues theater. Wat een berg werk hebben we verzet! We hebben nu echt de overtuiging dat we iets moois kunnen gaan presenteren; het verhaal over het ontstaan van de Blues! In 17 theaters, in een tijdsbestek van 3[…]
February 7, 2016: Heading back home and suffering jet lags It is strange, being in Missississppi for just two weeks makes you don’t want to leave forever. We had a hard time saying goodbye and we felt like we didn’t want to go back to the country we live in. In the Netherlands we can imagine ourselves we have a “good life” (though I am not pretty sure about that anymore over the last 15 years), and although Mississippi is poor, we felt in some way that the people are more easy going, and that there is a lot of hope and happiness. The flight back home was long but pretty ok. It was nice to see a warm welcome from our parents and family there at the[…]
January 30, 2016: BIG BO – IBC16 – FINALS – On our last day in Memphis we headed over to the Orpheum to see the Finals of the IBC16. The Orpheum is a huge theatre in classic 20’s style. The finals would take 8 long hours so we didn’t get the chance to see all of the acts performing there when we went outside for some food and do a little shopping, but we saw most part of it. The Orpheum was almost sold out and we saw The Delgado brothers perform a great set. What I thought would be the winners proved right: The Delgado Brothers won the IBC16 in the band category. I had high hopes for Ben Hunter and Joe Seamons, an incredibly talented[…]
Dutch bluesman Bo Brocken (stage name: Big Bo) plays his Blues from the heart and soul. He has been around for quite a while now, touring Europe and the world for almost 30 years, playing his traditional style Blues. Performing as a one-man-band, using a full foot-operated drum set, acoustic and electric guitars, resonator guitars, Cigar Box Guitars and harmonica, he plays traditional blues in Delta, Piedmont, Misissippi Hills and Ragtime style. (Photo: Jos de Jong) Solo: 1987-now: Big Bo: vocals, guitars, harmonica, foot-drums Bands: 1990-1999: Big Bo and Mr. Bas 1998-2008: Slow Blow Fuse 1999-2010: The Mercymen 2000-2002: Bo and Boiré 2016- now: Big Bo and his Voodoo Machine
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